Neuma Mind Spa Experience
A holiday ritual
Managing stress during holidays
Success and Future Attractors (with core values as a foundation)
What do you value the most?
Maybe you are feeling this way too...
Are you on track with your goals for this year?
Bringing the Mind Spa to you (Virtually)
Not another New Year Resolution
In honor of this time of gratitude - Challenging a belief: Lack of time
Pilot Study results are here!!!
Creativity, Authentic Self, and Transformation walked into a bar...
Taking care of plants and animals as a method of self-care
Industries Turning to Subconscious Creativity Tech & Techniques
Shhh... Awaken your creativity with quiet stillness
Community Kick-off Event - rescheduled!
Why inequality is a collective challenge
Embrace the Boredom for Creativity and Well-Being
5 Simple Tips for Overcoming Creative Blocks
What's all the fuss about doing nothing?
If you love what you do....
Let's talk about cognitive shifts...
Neuma Being founder speaking at TT-COVID-19 Showcase
Reflections on Earth Day
Chasing your dreams - Part II: Design Thinking